MINERAL SPECIMENS FOR SALE ~ Cal  Neva Mineral Company
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Mineral Specimen Display Supplies


Beveled Edge Acrylic Display Base

Beveled Edge Acrylic Base for Mineral Specimen Display
click on image for larger view

Discount Available on orders of 10 or more

Bases are available in the following sizes:

1 in (2.54 cm) thick

BB-0122  1.9 x 1.9 in (5 x 5 cm)  $7.50 each  Limited Supply

BB-0144  3.9 x 3.9 in (10 x 10 cm)  Temporarily Out of Stock

0.75 in (1.9 cm) thick

BB-7522  2 x 2 in  (5 x 5 cm)  $6.50 each

BB-7524  2 x 4 in  (5 x 10 cm)  $11.00 each

BB-7533  3 x 3 in  (7.5 x 7.5 cm)  $9.50 each

BB-7536  3 x 6in  (7.5 x 15 cm)  $15.00 each

BB-7544  4 x 4 in  (10 x 10 cm)  $12.00 each

BB-7555  5 in x 5 in  (12.6 x 12.6 cm)  Temporarily Out of Stock

0.5 in (1.27 cm) thick

BB-0515  1.5 x 1.5 in  (3.8 x 3.8 cm)  $4.50 each

BB-0522 2 x 2 inch  (5 x 5 cm)  Temporarily Out of Stock

Economy Base

Economy Acrylic Base

.25 in (.6 cm) thick.  Sawn Edge with Flame-Polish

EB-0101  1 x 1 in  (2.5 x 2.5 cm)  $5.00 Package of 6  Limited Supply

EB-0202  2 x 2 in  (5 x 5 cm)  $7.50 Package of 6  Temporarily Out of Stock

EB-2525  2.5 x 2.5 in  (6.3 x 6.3 cm)  $9.50 Package of 6  Limited Supply

EB-0303  3 x 3 in  (7.5 x 7.5 cm)  $12.00 Package of 6  Temporarily Out of Stock

Dr. Kellogg's Tacky Mineral Clay

Adhesive putty ideal for mounting most thumbnail - small cabinet-sized mineral specimens.
Does not dry out or leave an oily residue. Also known as Mineral Tack, Geo-Tac.

Adhesive Putty for Mineral Specimen Display a.k.a. geo-tac, mineral tack

DK-001  70 gram package (3.5 x 5 inches)  $6.00 each or 4 for $20.00